Passive Voice
1. Use of the passive voice constitutes a grammatical error.
Use of the passive voice is not a grammatical error. It’s a
stylistic issue that pertains to clarity—that is, there are times when using
the passive voice can prevent a reader from understanding what you mean.
2. Any use of “to be” (in any form) constitutes the passive
The passive voice entails more than just using a being verb.
Using “to be” can weaken the impact of your writing, but it is occasionally
necessary and does not by itself constitute the passive voice.
3. The passive voice always avoids the first person; if
something is in first person (“I” or “we”) it’s also in the active voice.
On the contrary, you can very easily use the passive voice
in the first person. Here’s an example: “I was hit by the dodgeball.”
4. You should never use the passive voice.
While the passive voice can weaken the clarity of your
writing, there are times when the passive voice is OK and even preferable.
5. I can rely on my grammar checker to catch the passive
See Myth #1. Since the passive voice isn’t a grammar error,
it’s not always caught. Typically, grammar checkers catch only a fraction of
passive voice usage.
Kalimat Pasif Dalam Kalimat LAPORAN
- Kalimat pasif dapat dijumpai dalam kalimat laopran (Reported Speech)
- Kalimat ini sering menggunakan SAID atau TOLD atau STATE dan lain-lain sebagai bentuk laporan
Contoh :
- John said he would be sent to the station at three o'clock
John berkata dia akan disuruh ke statsiun pada jam tiga
Helen berkata dia baru saja diajak bergabung kelompok itu
- Rita said the truth would soon be known
Rita berkata kebenaran akan segera terungkap
- Lola said a scream had been heard at midnight
Lola berkata suara jeritan terdengar pada tengah malam
- Bob said the matched could be won if everybody did his best
Bob berkata pertandingan itu dapat dimenangkan jika setiap orang melakukan yang terbaik
- Mr. Green told me that his daughter was being interogated
Tuan Green memberitahu saya bahwa putrinya sedang diintrogasi
- Charles assurated me that he had been elected chairman at the meeting
Charles menegaskan kepada saya bahwa dia telah terpilih menjadi pimpinan rapat
- Petter stated that he had been influence by his wife 's ambition
Petter menyatakan bahwa dia telah dipengaruhi oleh ambisi istrinya
refrensi : Idi supono, 2007, BBC ENGLISH GRAMMAR : Tata bahasa inggris lengkap
Merubah Active Voice (Kalimat Aktif) ke dalam bentuk
Passive Voice (Kalimat Pasif)
Simple Present
Jane helps Tina.
Tina is helped by Jane.
Present Progressive
Jane is helping Tina.
Tina is being helped by Jane.
Present Perfect
Jane has helped Tina.
Tina has been helped by Jane.
Simple Past
Jane helped Tina.
Tina was helped by Jane.
Past Progressive
Jane was helping Tina.
Tina was being helped by Jane.
Past Perfect
Jane had helped Tina.
Tina had been helped by Jane.
Simple Future
Jane will help Tina.
Tina will be helped by Jane.
To Be Going To
Jane is going to help Tina.
Tina is going to be helped by Jane.
Future Perfect
Jane will have helped Tina.
Tina will have been helped by Jane.
Pola Passive Voice
Perubahan active voice ke passive voice tidak semudah perubahan kalimat aktif ke dalam kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Indonesia.
S: Subjek
Be: Tobe
Verb-3: Kata kerja bentuk ketiga
By Agent: Pelaku
Rini reads Novel. (Active Voice)
[S] [V1] [Object]
Novel is read by Rini. (Passive Voice)
[S] [to be] [V3] [by agent]
Dalam pembuatan kalimat passive voice, kita tidak akan lepas dengan yang namanya tenses. Yup, karena dalam penentuan 'to be' pada kalimat passive voice tergantung pada tenses kalimat aktifnya.
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modal verbs in the passive
we can use the passive with a modal verb, or with a phrase like have to.
stamps can be bought at any post office.
the work once had to be done by hand.
the note might have been thrown out.
animals shouldn't be kept in cages.
could the process be speeded up
refrensi : jhon estwood, oxford learner's pocket grammar